Brace yourself for ads on WhatsApp. Chris Daniels, Vice President of WhatsApp, on Wednesday said that the company was going to monetise the service by allowing businesses to run advertisements. “Facebook will start monetising WhatsApp, and show ads in the ‘Status’ section of the app”, Chris Daniels said. This is also in line with Facebook’s plan to monetise the ‘WhatsApp for Business’ app which is currently free for businesses. Facebook will charge companies for running ads on the platform. These ads will be interlinked to the advertiser’s profile on WhatsApp. Chris was speaking on the sidelines of the platform’s partnership with Invest India to promote Indian startups. WhatsApp will offer $250,000 to five startups through the ‘WhatsApp StartUp Challenge’ . Chris did not reveal a timeline for the roll-out of the advertisements but it’s reported to arrive early next year. According to a recent WSJ report, WhatsApp is currently being tested by around 100 companies. It’s not...
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