The Mumbai Police has registered a case against an unidentified person for using a fake Aadhaar card of Bollywood actress Urvashi Rautela to book a hotel room in a starred hotel in Bandra. Initial probe revealed that the Aadhaar card used for booking carried the wrong unique identification number. Urvashi Rautela came to know about the use of a fake Aadhaar card of her name when she went to the Bandra hotel for an event on Tuesday. During the event, a hotel staff approached the actress and informed her that a room was booked in her name. Upon asking, Rautela’s secretary denied having booked any room at the hotel. “I asked my secretary about it and learnt that no booking was done. Someone has misused my name and photograph on the Aadhaar card to book a room in the hotel. However, the Aadhaar number didn’t belong to me,” Urvashi Rautela was quoted as saying. The Bandra police registered an offence under Indian Penal Code sections 420 (cheating), 468 (forgery) against the un...
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