A Company Will Pay You Rs 69,000 ($1000) to Binge Watch All MCU Movies Before Avengers Endgame Releases
Avengers: Endgame is slated to release next month on 26th April. As the release date draws near Marvel fans are about to go on a binge-watching spree of every movie from the cinematic universe before the final movie hits the screens. But did you know that this regular-activity of a die-hard fan can actually pay? And not just pay, but pay well: $1000 or INR 69,170. A website, called CableTv.com is offering the money to fans for binge watching the movie. "Do you have the endurance of Iron Man? The tenacity of Captain America? The leisure time of Ant-Man? Then CableTV.com has a mission for you: watch all 20 previously released Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) movies back-to-back, leading up to the highly anticipated 2019 premiere of Avengers: Endgame," the offer reads. And turns out, it's not just the monetary that will be handed over to the fan who wins. "Tons of MCU prizes for bingeing 40+ hours of superhero action," wil...